GTA 5 Cheat Codes | All Cheat Codes Of GTA 5 For PC, Play Station 4, Xbox One

GTA 5 Cheat Codes
All the GTA 5 cheat codes available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. GTA 5 cheat codes do not prevent obtaining 100% of game statistics. In fact, they cannot be saved. Whenever you load the game you need to enter the cheats every time. When you enter a cheat, the achievements and trophies will be locked. And will not be awarded while using the cheats. To unlock them, just load a new save or restart the game. I recommended quick save your game before using cheats. Otherwise, you may lose your progress.
If you activate a cheat during a mission, the mission automatically disable. Some cheats also cannot be used during the storyline mission, secondary jobs, or random events. You can use the protagonist’s mobile phone or a button combination to enter GTA 5 cheat codes on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. In the PC version of GTA 5, to activate cheats by typing into the “cheat box” when pressing “~” or “\” on the keyboard. You can enter cheats during game-play or in the pause menu. Enter the cheat code again to turn it off.
GTA 5 cheats PS4. GTA 5 cheats Xbox one. and GTA 5 cheats PC
GTA 5 Cheat Codes List:
1.Max health and armor
- PC: turtle
- PS4\PS3: Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB
2. Invincibility for 5 Minutes
This cheat makes you invincible for 5 minutes. You can repeat the cheat as many times as you want.
- PC: painkiller
- PS4\PS3: Right, X, Righ, Left, Right, R,1 Right, Left, X, Triangle
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y
3. Special Ability Recharge
This cheats instantly recharges your special ability meter.
- PC: powerup
- PS4\PS3: X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: A, A, X, RB, LB, A, Right, Left, A
4. Wanted level up
This cheats adds 1 star to you wanted level. Repeat the cheat to add more stars
- PC: fugitive
- PS4\PS3: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
5. Wanted level down
This cheat removes 1 star from your wanted level. Repeat the cheat to remove more stars.
- PC: lawyerup
- PS4\PS3: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
6. Give Weapon
This cheat gives you a set of weapon: Knife, SMG, Assault Rifle, Pump Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, RPG and Grenades. Repeat the cheat for more ammo
- PC: toolup
- PS4\PS3: Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB
7. Give Parachute
This cheat adds a parachute in your inventory.
- PC: skydive
- PS4\PS3: Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, Left, Left, Right, LB
8. Drunk Mode
This cheat makes your character drunk. Cannot be used during missions or activities.
- PC: liquor
- PS4\PS3: Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Left
9. Fast Run
With this cheat, you will run faster.
- PC: catchme
- PS4\PS3: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X
10. Fast Swim
With this cheat, you will swim faster.
- PC: gotgills
- PS4\PS3: Left, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, RT, Left, LT, Right
11. Skyfall
This cheat will teleport you up in the sky. You will not able to use a parachute, but you can guide for a long time before touching the ground.
- PC: skyfall
- PS4\PS3: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right
12. Slow Motion
This cheat will slow down the gameplay. Repeat the cheat to increase the effect ( up to 3 levels ) and entered it a fourth time to restore the normal speed.
- PC: slowmo
- PS4\PS3: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Y, Left, Right, Right, X, RT, RB
13. Slow Motion Aim
This cheat will slow down the game when you aim with a weapon. Repeat the cheat to increase the effect ( up to 3 levels ) and entered it a fourth time to restore the normal speed.
- PC: deadeye
- PS4\PS3: Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: X, LT, RB, Y, Left, X, LT, Right, A
14. Bang Bang
With this cheat, all your guns fire explosive bullets.
- PC: highex
- PS4\PS3: Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB
15. Flaming bullets
With this cheat all your guns fire bullets that set people or things on fire.
- PC: incendiary
- PS4\PS3: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: LB, RB, X, RB, Left, RT, RB, Left, X, Right, LB, LB
16. Explosive Melee Attacks
With this cheat, all your melee attacks ( punch, kick, knife, hammer, etc ) will have an explosive effect.
- PC: hothands
- PS4\PS3: Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Right, Left, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
17. Super Jump
With this cheat, your character will jump 10 times as high as before. Press and hold the button to jump to make higher jumps
- PC: hoptoit
- PS4\PS3: Left, Left, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right Square, R1, R2
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Left, Left, Y, Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RB, RT
18. Moon Gravity
With this cheat, the game’s world will be affected by low gravity
- PC: floater
- PS4\PS3: Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Left, Left, LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB, Left
19. Slidey Cars
This cheat will make the handling less grippy
- PC: snowday
- PS4\PS3: Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Y, RB, RB, Left, RB, LB, RT, LB
20. Change Weather
This cheat will change the weather in the game.
- PC: makeitrain
- PS4\PS3: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
21. Spawn BMX
This cheat spawn a BMX
- PC: bandit
- PS4\PS3: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Y, RB, RT
22. Spawn Buzzard
This cheat spawns a Buzzard Attack Chopper.
- PC: buzzoff
- PS4\PS3: Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
23. Spawn Caddy
This cheat spawns a Caddy golf cart
- PC: holein1
- PS4\PS3: Circle, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, LB, Left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A
24. Spawn Comet
This cheat spawn a Pfister Comet
- PC: comet
- PS4\PS3: R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB
25. Spawn Dodo
This cheat spawns a Mammoth Dodo. You first need to unlock it by completing the seaplane random event.
- PC: extinct
- PS4\PS3: Unknown
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Unknown
26. Spawn Duster
This cheat spawn a Duster plane
- PC: flyspray
- PS4\PS3: Right, Left, R1, R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Right, Left, RB, RB, RB, Left, Y, Y, A, B, LB, LB
27. Spawn Kraken
This cheat spawns a Kraken submersible. You first need to unlock it by completing the Wildlife Photography Challenge
- PC: bubbles
- PS4\PS3: Phone number: 1-999-282-2537
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: Phone number: 1-999-282-2537
28. Spawn PCJ
This cheat spawns a Shitzy PCJ 600 bike.
- PC: rocket
- PS4\PS3: R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RB, Right, Left, Right, RT, Left, Right, X, Right, LT, LB, LB
29. Spawn Rapid GT
This cheat Spawns a Dewbauchee Rapid GT
- PC: rapidgt
- PS4\PS3: R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, Circle, R2
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RT, LB, B, Right, LB, RB, Right, Left, B, RT
30. Spawn Sanchez
This cheat spawns a Mailbatsu Sanchez bike.
- PC: offroad
- PS4\PS3: Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, A, LB, B, B, LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB, LB
31. Spawn Stretch Limo
This cheat spawns a Dundreary Stretch Limousine
- PC: vinewood
- PS4\PS3: R2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: RT, Right, LT, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right
32. Spawn Stunt Plane
This cheat spawns a Mallard stunt plane
- PC: barnstorm
- PS4\PS3: Circle, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB, LB, Left, Left, A, Y
33. Spawn Trashmaster
This cheat spawns a Trashmaster garbage truck
- PC: trashed
- PS4\PS3: Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, circle, Right
- Xbox One/Xbox 360: B, RB, B, RB, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right